Camp Events

We Have Prepared Lots of Delightful Activities for You

2025 Calendar of Events

May 1stCEA Opening Day
May 2nd - 4thCinco de Mayo Weekend
May 9th - 11thMother's Day Weekend
May 16th - 18thJimmy's Auction on 5/17
May 23rd - 25thMemorial Day Weekend - Theme: Rock the Swamp
May 30th - June 1stRelaxation Weekend
June 6th - 8thBINGO Bonanza & Pride Weekend
June 13th - 15thFather's Day Weekend
June 21st - 23rdSTEM Weekend
June 28th - 30thWet, Wild, & Wacky Weekend
July 4th - 6thHillbilly Hoe-down Weekend
July 11th - 13thRelaxation Weekend
July 18th - 20thFishing Derby & Meat Raffle on 7/19
July 25th - 27thChristmas in July Weekend
August 1st - 3rdCarnival Weekend
August 8th - 10thProgressive Dinner
August 15th - 17thTaylor Swift Weekend
August 22nd - 24thCraftings & Carvings Weekend
August 29th - 31stLabor Day Weekend - Theme: Bills Mafia & Tailgating Party
September 5th - 7thRelaxation Weekend
September 12th - 14thInteractive Weekend
September 19th - 21stVendor Weekend
September 26th - 28thCamp Hall-O-Scream Weekend
October 3rd - 5thThanks-for-Giving Weekend
October 10th - 12thClosing Weekend